Three sisters – Emily, Charlotte, and Anne Bronte – were excellent writers. I have read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and just finished reading Jane Eyre by her sister Charlotte. Someday, I hope to come across something written by the third sister, Anne Bronte.

In Jane Eyre, the main theme is love; the immortal love that disregards wealth, physical beauty, age, and social status. Do you think we can find this kind of love only in novels or also in real life? Can unalloyed love exist? Is it just the dream of artists, writers, poets, painters, sculptors, and music composers?

What also struck me was the nobleness of Jane Eyre’s soul. Her uncle bequeaths to her twenty thousand pounds – a huge amount of money at the time – , but instead of pocketing it all for her, she shares the bequest with her cousins who have been disinherited by their uncle. Can such a thing also happen nowadays or does it only exist in literary works?

Overall, Jane Eyre is a superb, thought provoking novel. It prompts us to act well in life, for, in the end, Providence always comes to the aid of the righteous.

Ettore Grillo, author of these books:

– November 2: The Day of the Dead in Sicily (English edition)

– A Hidden Sicilian History (English edition)

– The Vibrations of Words (English edition)

– Travels of the Mind (English edition)

– Una Storia Siciliana Nascosta (edizione in lingua italiana)

– Viaggi della Mente (edizione in lingua italiana)

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